Musing & Reviewing Blog Update

Welcome back, friends! I did some re-branding on my blog, but it’s still the same in its essence. I love talking about my thoughts on articles and other news, showing you my latest shopping hauls, and most notably doing reviews – so many reviews. I plan to do book reviews, movie reviews, subscription box reviews, side-by-side reviews, pretty much anything you’d like to see!

photo of a sign and eyeglasses on table

When I was growing up, I loved playing Neopets – I know, I’m such a 90s kid. But Neopets actually helped me learn a ton of skills I still utilize today. I learned HTML & CSS, graphic design, how the stock market operates, and my typing speed increased exponentially, to name a few things. (And, yes, mostly I just played all their games.)

One of my Neopets from back in the day

I created a website back then called Kalee’s Muses, so I thought I would call back to those days with the title of this blog – I also liked the flow, and for all you grammar nerds out there, I’ve been addicted to gerunds ever since I was in middle school.

I hope you like the new title and direction of my blog – leave blog post suggestions in the comments!

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